Many millennia ago the world was destroyed.
Where once there was one, now there are five: the Pentad.
Terra Prime was a world rich in life & diversity, a world in balance...
Until the sundering.
In a cataclysm of unimaginable proportions, Terra Prime was rent asunder into five separate, unique realms, each a refraction of the others.
Five worlds were created out of the ruin: Air, Fire, Stone, Water, & Shadow.
The cause of this cataclysm has been lost to time.
Some ancient lore suggest a being of godlike power forcibly split Terra Prime to seize the Æther Spark, a fragment of immense power leftover from the creation of the cosmos, for himself.
Some believe it was caused by a titanic battle for the fate of Terra Prime, a Brood War waged by the archangels and the demons.
But for most, only the dimmest cultural memories remain of a world that existed before their own.
Whatever the cause of the splitting, one thing is clear: The Realms have become very different places in the time since the Sundering.
Key elements from each realm where lost, and they were unbalanced. This imbalance has caused the Realms to evolve in wildly distinct directions over the course of several millenia.
Now only hints of a common ancestor world remain, and their environments and denizens could hardly differ more.
The realms were broken; while much of the great lore had been lost during the cataclysm, some ancient wizened Wazir's, eld sorcerers or channelers, managed to erect powerful arcane gates to connect the realms and somehow provide much needed "balance & order'. This however was not the case, the gates did allow travel between realms, but only to those that were powerful enough to harness their great power. The plan as it is theorized was the grand construction of inter connected realms, each feeding into the other to allow balance & order. This however was not the result, the Wizer did not complete them as intended.
Root . Life, passion, community, and the wild—these are what flourish in this lush land, life is celebrated. Instinct triumphs over machination. Here titanic predators are shown respect, while humans, elves, and dwarf seek to revere and respect nature.
Ætherium. Without the seed of evil, Ætherium has become a golden utopia. Angels rule the realm with benevolence and grace. Humans and the catlike people called Mrem resolve their conflicts with ritualized combat. Duty and honor are the bedrock of this kingdom of light.
Oceanus "The Wave Realm". In this world of wind and wave, control is the guiding force. The relatively small amount of land that exists takes the form of numerous small islands which are scattered across the surface of its oceans, Oceanus has become a plutocracy. Enigmatic guild leaders counsel powerful wizards and seers. Everything here ebbs and flows with the tide. He who has wealth rules supreme.
Pyre. A scorching ash laden waste , Pyre has devolved into a roiling, primordial cesspit. Dragons top the food chain, at home in Pyre's countless volcanoes. While dragons stalk the skies, goblins, and the lizardfolk called Saurian lie low in Pyre's tar-spotted, vine-choked canyons. Dwarves, known as DragonFyre Dwarves, reside in great cities below the surface. The DragonFyre believe in a higher law -- one in which righteousness is fire, and justice the light that shines from it. Led by mighty Kings all following a shared doctrine or Codex, the DragonFyre host a formidable army and wage a constant war with the heathens both above and below.
Penumbra. What becomes of a realm cast in shadow? The wasteland of Penumbra is a realm or perpetual dusk where the sun never rises, Penumbra is trapped in a state of crepuscular gloom. Its denizens struggle daily, skirmishing over minuscule resources and desperately clinging to life. The land is ruled by powerful Sorcerers, each carving out a kingdom and enslaving its population to serve in their wicked whims...
The Pentad Cycle
Six Gates interconnect each world to the other: through the Nexus.
The Sixth Gate is the center: the Void.
The Five Worlds Reborn.
The end was the beginning.
— Into The Nexus
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